Sunday, 16 November 2008


I should have posted this a while ago, I sent e-mails to all the contact addresses of the interactive sites i've been investigating.
I sent e-mails to the following people between october 25th-29th;

Royal Magnet
James Goggin
Alexiou Vassilios (Less Rain)
Adam Green's management

I asked in the each of the e-mails if it was possible to send some questions regarding the companies approach to web design. So far only James Goggin of pactise design has e-mailed back. I have subsequently sent him the questions and am still awaiting further response.

Site Map

This is the first site map i made for the presentation on friday. At the moment it's a bit messy, i forgot how many pages cross linked. Therefore I'm going to try and make a better computerised version thats hopefully clearer.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Adding Content

All the content on the website is displayed using roll over images in dreamweaver. The ten facts and links to other rooms are created using these roll over images which are essentially a clip of a part of the site with another image that appears when the cursor rolls over it. This linking system is simple but produces professional looking overall visuals.

Adding Sound

I am adding sound to my print room scene by adding a roll over link over the radio image. This links to a duplicate page that plays and audio file linked to that page. The radio also links back to the previous page and as they are identical and there is no transition between the pages, it appears the radio is switched on and off by clicking on it. The radio plays the song 'Tiger In My Tank' by the Eels.

Final Integrated Animations



I made these two animations for the website in photoshop as animated gifs, one of which to be integrated into the background and the other to be used as a back button so the user can return to the title screen at any time.

The hand is a back button that appears to the side of the interactive environment and is linked to the index page throughout the site. The fan appears in the rack room in 3d mode and lights on mode and just spins round endlessly.

Title Screen

I created the hand title sequence today for the website in dreamweaver. It features two animations created in photoshop and a flash animation as a linking button (shown earlier). The page works by linking five pages together, each page displaying one stage of the overall effect. The user places their hand on the screen and animated links appear when the flash buttons are selected. The page took all day and i was only able to do it with the aid of the online flash tutorials on NOW.

Final Environments

The following are the final environments i produced for the print room section of our website. Each room has a lights out option and a 3D option in addition to the images shown here. I created the environments in illustrator using photographs i had taken as references. The rooms all have roll over features, and additional interactive features such as a radio, working clock, integrated gifs etc.